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"What in the world? (Não considerar a 1ª e a 4ª)
A highly unusual Victorian-era taxidermy collection was put up for bid Tuesday at Duke’s Auction House in England. Along with mythical beasts, the auction featured taxidermy animals. The museum fell on hard times, so owner and self-confessed eccentric Robert Ball was forced to sell."Não tenho qualquer informação sobre esta foto
A winged kittyIt goes without saying that cats are angels, as all feline-lovers know. Check out the Duke’s Auction House description of this particular winged cat, who sold for $4,330: “Apparently, in the 1860s the famous winged cat was advertised for sale, at which time it was known as Thomas Bessie.”
A fanged beast named SidSid – a fanged, flying monkey creature with webbed feet – really does have an almost irresistible charm. That may help to explain why he sold for $2,475. “He was one of the favorites of the auction, along with the flying cat – all a bit of fun, really,” said Rupert Perry-Warnes, saleroom manager for Duke's Auction House. The creature’s new owner told TODAY how he planned to use Sid: “I’ll probably nudge my fiancé out of her side of the bed and he’ll get to sleep next to me.”
Smallest horse (Esta é mesmo real e vivo)
Four-year-old Garrett Mullen watches a 3-day-old pinto stallion named Einstein in Barnstead, N.H. The diminutive horse, who weighed only 6 pounds at birth, could lay claim to the world record for lightweight foal.
Extended sausage dogThe great thing about an extended dog is that there’s more of him to love! This extra-special stuffed animal sold for $743. "A lot of the items went to private collectors, and some went to dealers in London," said Rupert Perry-Warnes, saleroom manager for Duke's Auction House. "Some people just want to have something interesting in their house."
A magical addition to any dresserOK, so people may have been a bit gullible in the 19th century – but seriously, you say you don’t believe in unicorns? Even after seeing this photo? Well, this particular creature was so enchanting that his new owners plunked down $4,331 for him.
From Cambodia, eh?Ah, the 1800s – it was a time when unsuspecting Brits might have believed that some of these fanciful animals actually existed. “People could say they went to South America and found these animals when in the jungle in Peru,” said Rupert Perry-Warnes, saleroom manager for Duke’s Auction House. “A lot of people wouldn’t have had a clue back then.” Indeed, legend had it that a Victorian adventurer named Professor Copperthwaite discovered this wooly pig in the dense jungles of Cambodia, according to the auction house.
A cheasantOr is it a “phicken”? It’s both! This feathered creature, which sold for $310, was described by Duke’s Auction House as the apparent “hybridization of domestic fowl and ornamental pheasant.”
